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网络安全 (或网络).

不管你怎么称呼它, 这是最吸引人的, 利润丰厚的, 值得(mg不朽情缘游戏网址敢说), 性感的?)“it”职业.

这是因为主题,业务,和 网络安全方面的工作 现在是白热化吗.

你可能已经注意到它几乎无法阅读, hear or listen to news and social media feeds without learning of a new cyber threat, 计算机攻击或数据泄露.

事实上,最近 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 look at online cybersecurity bachelor’s degrees stated that almost half of U.S. 成年人的个人信息被网络攻击暴露. 这是一个越来越大的问题和担忧.

来自当地的非营利组织, 对小公司来说, 给跨国公司, 没有业务, 组织或个人是免疫的.

和 the antidote requires more than just dealing with the aftermath. It requires detecting and preventing hacks, hazards and attacks in the first place.




梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特.com defines it as “measures taken to protect a computer or computer system (as on the Internet) against unauthorized access or attack.”

内的一个子专业 资讯科技(IT), cyber security involves addressing challenges and threats in light of business goals, 任务和目标.

So while IT typically is considered a business cost center (that means it’s a necessary part of the organization but does not have a role in making a profit), lack of IT security or an underdeveloped cyber security program can cost organizations of all types and sizes--and it can cost them big-time.

防止偷钱, 扰乱服务, 销毁记录, 恶意的网络黑客把人们, 面临风险的政府和组织.

For that reason, cyber security as a profession has become mission-critical.

企业,甚至是美国.S. 国土安全部, 需要合格的, 有学位的人能理解, 分析, 计算和分类风险, 利用和漏洞.

They need security professionals who can determine which factors expose them to risk.

和, 最重要的是, they need experienced people who can help make smart counterintelligence recommendations and cyber-confident decisions.

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一个明亮的 & 越来越多的职业

Perhaps that’s why O*NET, one of the nation’s primary sources of occupational information, 指定信息安全职业具有:

  • “光明的前景”
  • 平均年薪近9万美元
  • 就业增长速度超过平均水平22%,甚至更高
  • 2012-2022年期间有39,200个项目职位空缺


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 有50个,2012年有731个与信息安全相关的职位空缺, 与7,130 students completing degree programs in information security that same year.

That’s an astounding ratio of 1 graduate for every 7 openings!

从加密, 要身份验证, 基础设施, 监视, career opportunities for cyber security grads is exploding at all levels.

事实上, the General 会计 Office cited these staggering statistics about the federal government:

  • 2000年在网络安全上花费了9.38亿美元
  • Budgeted $13 billion for cyber security just 15 years later

Here are just a few of the many, many job opportunities in the field:

  • 应用程序安全测试员
  • 电脑保安专员
  • 企业安全经理
  • 网络取证分析师
  • 网络情报分析员
  • 网络安全分析师
  • 网络安全架构师
  • 网络安全工程师
  • 网络安全组长
  • 网络系统管理员
  • 网络安全顾问
  • 数据安全分析师
  • IT安全治理总监
  • 身份管理专员
  • 资讯保安管理员
  • 信息安全分析师
  • 信息安全工程师
  • 资讯保安经理
  • 情报分析师
  • IT安全分析师
  • 首席IT审计员
  • 恶意软件分析
  • 资讯保安经理
  • 网络安全专家
  • 安全管理员
  • 安全架构师
  • 安全项目专员
  • 保安系统专员


So, is this fast-growing specialty of information technology right for you?

We’ll let you decide, but here are a couple of things to consider first:


Much of information security’s success is predicated on continually sharing information about attacks and solutions with others---even those outside your organization. 重要的是,在进门的时候要克制自己的自我意识.


道德是安全领域的一个重要话题, 所以如果你更喜欢黑客而不是帮忙, 那么IS学位可能不适合你. It’s of the utmost importance to learn how to use information technology security tools responsibly.


当涉及到信息安全,这不是一个问题 if 你会被入侵,但是 ——以及你要怎么做. This career requires people who can remain calm in the face of chaos, 同时批判性地思考和清晰地沟通.

Don’t get us wrong; we’re not trying to talk you into or out of an information security degree. We just want you to consider your options and make the choice that’s right for you.


因为这仍然是一个新兴领域, you’ll want to enroll in the best information security major and cyber security degree program for you; one where you’ll learn the “defense in-depth” approach to comprehensive information and electronic defense.

例如, mg不朽情缘试玩,mg不朽情缘游戏网址的 在线网络安全学位课程 offers a bachelor of science degree with a major in cyber security---not just a specialization of study.

网络安全 degree program coursework includes such critical topics and issues as:

  • 体系结构 & 控制
  • 业务连续性 & 操作
  • 灾难恢复
  • 网络安全
  • 风险管理
  • 安全法律 & 合规
  • Web应用程序安全

A 网络安全学位可以让你成为一名专家 in the prevention, detection and fight against digital crime.

Ready for a rewarding career in one of the hottest careers around? Do you have any questions, or would you like to bounce some ideas off someone?

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